How to Know If A Page is Indexed… Or Not

Are you having trouble getting internet users to locate your websites? You will discover how to determine whether your pages are indexed in this post.

No matter how narrow the search terms you try, if you don’t rank for them, there may be an indexing issue.

Every search engine uses an index to compile its results, therefore if a web page isn’t included in that index, it will certainly not show up in the results. As a result, an indexing issue may completely negate the efforts you put into creating high-quality content and on-page SEO. This is where professionals at SEO agency in Montana come to your rescue.

Continue reading as we explore the different aspects of the indexing process and give you a detailed insight. Let’s get started.

Indexing: How The Process Works?

Search engines have to work hard to locate new websites and pages when they are hosted online since they don’t broadcast their existence to the engines. They accomplish this via search engine bots or crawlers.

As their name implies, crawlers navigate websites by clicking on both internal and external links in an effort to index and organize all the material they discover. Crawlers must often visit indexed sites since pages are frequently changed, changing in quality and relevance to certain themes. The frequency of a site’s updates, how much authority it is given, and a host of other factors will determine how frequently it is crawled.

Now that you have a better idea, let’s check out how to know if a page is indexed or not.

Web Indexing: How It Works?

Looking for your page’s indexing is relatively simple. You can use the Google Index Checker tool to determine whether the search engine has indexed your pages.

However, if your page isn’t, here might be a few reasons behind it:

  1. Crawler can’t locate it:Crawlers often identify a page on your website and won’t be able to index it if it is hidden deep inside folders, doesn’t have an extensive XML sitemap (a list of all pages to be indexed), or both.
  2. You might have set it to ‘no-index’: Even if a page has an internal link or an external link directing to it from another site, crawlers may still ignore it if the page has been marked as “noindex.”
  3. The links aren’t of high quality: In an effort to uphold a high standard, search engines may opt not to rank parts or all of your pages if your site has low-quality links and little to no content.

Besides, if even after following the aforementioned steps you’re unsure whether your page is indexed or not, experts at SEO agency in Montana suggest that these steps might come in handy:

  • Go to Google Search Console.
  • Enter the URL inspection tool’s website.
  • In the search box, paste the URL you want Google to index.
  • Let Google verify the URL first.
  • Select “Request indexing” from the menu.

Now You Know!

In the steps mentioned above, we have covered every aspect of the web indexing process, ranging from checking for bots and ‘no-index’ function. Remember, it is always a wise move to first understand the process before making any advances into it. All the best!

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